Getting a library card
Your first library card is free. Replacement fee for a lost or stolen card is $1.00.
Adults must have a Michigan driver’s license with a current local address or other ID.
Children must be at least five years old and have a parent/guardian's signature and ID on their registration cards.
Note to Parents: Please be aware that your signature allows your child to choose most materials including videos/DVD's. You have final responsibility for loss or damaged goods.
You card can be used at any library within the Lakeland Cooperative.
Checking Out Books & Other Materials
Our checkout limit is 100 items per library card.
Books and all audio are due back 3 weeks from the date of checkout.
Launchpads, movies and magazines are due back 1 week from the date of checkout.
Each movie rental is $1 per week. We also have a small selection of free movie rentals.
Thursday and Friday, for every 10 books you check out, you will receive 1 free movie rental.
Renewing Items
Materials circulated by the Salem Township Library are the property of the township taxpayers. The library strives to employ fair loan policies which will allow the collections to serve as many borrowers as possible.
When patrons misuse borrowing privileges by failing to return materials on time, other patrons are unable to use those materials. In order to protect the rights of all patrons to enjoy access to all holdings, the library uses reasonable rules to encourage the prompt return of materials.
Notices by telephone or email will be given 2 weeks following due dates on most materials.
Renewals may be sought for many circulating materials, provided there are no reserves listed for that item. 21 day items, renew for 21 days. Magazines and DVD's are not renewable.
Automatic Renewal System: If an item is available to be renewed; 3 days before it’s due the item will be automatically renewed for an additional 21 days. You can also call 616-453-2575 for renewing items, checking on your holds and for getting an account summary, which will also report the total charges on your account. You will need your barcode and your PIN number (the last four digits of your phone number).
Books can be returned anywhere. Note: GRPL does not participate in the Return Anywhere Service.
Fine Rates
Charges for unreturned, lost, or damaged beyond repair materials reflect replacement costs.
Launchpads, movies, nature packs and discovery packs cost $1.00 per day they are returned late.
Books and magazines cost $.15 per day they are returned late.
Please Note: The Salem Township Library has no grace period for overdue materials.
Overdue fines accrue daily, including the day we are closed.
Borrowing privileges will be suspended for any patron who has charges that are more than $3.00. Privileges will resume when fines are paid.
Should the library be closed due to weather or other unforeseen issues, once we are reopened, books due on those day(s) will be backdated to our last opened date, prior to the closure.
You can pay your fine at the library or online under your account.
Internet Use
We have free wifi as well as several computers available for use. Please Note: anyone under the age of 13 must be accompanied by an adult.
We do not have not have hot spots.
Print, Copy and Fax Rates
Regular paper:
Black and white = .15
Double sided = .20
Color = .30
Color double sided = .50
Color paper:
Black and white = .25
Cardstock paper:
White paper with black and white ink = .50
White paper with colored ink = .65
Colored paper with black and white ink = .50
Bulk basic print/copy:
50-75 pages = .10 per page
75-100 pages = .8 per page
100-150 pages = .7 per page
$1.00 for the first page and $.50 for each page thereafter
.06 per inch of laminate OR .65 per sheet of laminate
Viewing what you have previously checked out
Go to your library account online. On the left hand side of the page, click on “reading history”. Once you opt in, it will keep track of each item you check out from the library. You may choose to opt out at anytime.
Downloading audio books or audio e-books
You can download e-books through, rbDigital, Libby and OverDrive. For information on how to use each of these apps, check out or digital links page.
Books on hold
When books you have requested from other libraries are ready for you to pick up, you will be notified through either an automated phone call, email or text (Shoutbomb).
Sign up for email notifications here
The library will not charge for this service, but your cell phone plan's regular text messaging rates still apply. Check with your cell phone service provider to see the cost of text messages in your service plan.
Enter (844) 225-9466 as a contact in your phone.
Text the word SIGNUP to the new contact. You should get a reply asking for a library card number.
Text your library card number. You should get a reply asking for your PIN number.
Text your PIN number. You should get a reply confirming your actions.
Learn more about Shoutbomb